Category Archives for "Uncontested"

Are You Common Law Married in Texas?

Texas is one of the handful of states that do recognize common law or informal marriage as a legal marriage. This is a very big distinction in a community property state like Texas because once you are treated as married the only way you can end the marriage is through a divorce and the community […]

The Pro Se Docket on Nov. 2

Yesterday I was at the Montgomery County courthouse and decided to sit in on the pro se divorce and family docket of the 418th District Court. It was a wonderful reminder that even what you might consider to be a “simple” case may not be so simple when you are asking the judge to sign […]

The Woodlands Divorce Guide

Are you considering divorce and are not sure where to begin? Has your spouse already filed for divorce and you are not sure how to protect yourself? Are you wondering: How much child support is involved in your divorce? Is spousal maintenance going to be awarded in your divorce? How often will you see your […]

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