Avoid Financial Devastation
Have a Relationship with Your Kids
Preserve Your Sanity

A Typical Litigated Divorce
Wears You Down
For 12 months or more you will not know what assets you will have, what debts you will have, your retirement funds, and many other facts. How many sleepless nights do you want to endure before getting on with your life?
Costs You a Fortune
Litigated divorce means going to court for every little thing. That adds up. That gets expensive. The stories of people selling their house to pay litigation fees are true, I've seen it.
Destroys Relationships
If you think your child doesn't see and hear what happens during your case you're probably wrong. Both of you still need to be parents, even after the divorce. That can be pretty tough after all of you have seen each other at your absolute worst.
Does Your Divorce Have To Cost a Fortune?
Alternatives to Divorce Litigation
Uncontested Divorce
Collaborative Divorce
You Still Need To Be a Parent After Divorce
I Get You Through Divorce
With Your Sanity In Tact
Call (832) 592-7913 Today
About The Shea Law Firm
Hi, and welcome to The Shea Law Firm. If you want to get through the divorce process then you came to the right place.
Here is a little about me:
1 - I'm a problem solver. If you want solutions I can help.
2 - If you want to drag each other through the mud, I can't help.
3 - I personally represent you through the whole process. You won't be pawned off to a junior associate or paralegal.